In a world of influencers posing as experts, and a time when the public’s trust in media is at an all time low, especially when it comes to nutrition and diets, Dr. Melina presents the Practically Healthy podcast. Drawing from her 20+ years experience as a nutrition MD and media contributor, along with cutting edge scientific studies and REAL facts, Dr. Melina will translate the latest health and wellness trends into what you should do, can do and will do to live your happiest, healthiest, best version of yourself. Each week, Dr. Melina will sit down with a preeminent health and fitness expert, celebrity, athlete, or wellness entrepreneur and discuss buzzworthy topics including intermittent fasting, the Ketogenic diet, mental heath, CBD products, HIIT training and more. Each episode will educate listeners and provide practical health and fitness solutions they can implement into their own busy lives. As a multi-tasking mother of two, small business owner and “reluctant cook” herself, Dr. Melina will serve up her tips and tricks with her signature wit and humor that will keep the listener engaged, entertained and coming back week after week.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Younger You: Dr. Kara Fitzgerald
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Reboot Your Relationship: Dr. Ish Major
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Sex, relationships, intimacy, connection and more! Dr. Melina welcomes Dr. Ish Major, board certified psychiatrist and host of WE tv's Marriage Bootcamp for a New Year’s relationship reboot on episode 42 of the Practically Healthy podcast!
The doctors dive in and outline the healthy aspects of relationships and touch on our need for love and connection as human beings. Dr. Ish explains how to assess if/ where the problems may be in your relationship by debunking your ABMs- Assumptions, Biases and Mindset- and what you should do when you don’t like what you hear.
He explains one of the biggest misconceptions of married people- thinking that they shouldn’t have any problems- and instead urges them to have the courage to have hard conversations. He reveals the surprising reason why men cheat, when to consider divorce and shares practical ways that someone can be more in tune with their true self.
Dr. Melina shares listener questions and the relationship guru addresses concerns ranging from reframing your mid-life baggage, having sex on the third date, and why going silent for 18 seconds with a partner might just amaze you- tune in for the fascinating answers!
To learn more about Dr. Ish Major, follow him @dr_ish_major.
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
The Noom Mindset- Learn the Science, Lose the Weight: Andreas Michaelides, PhD
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Can a health app impact behavior and inspire lasting lifestyle changes? Andreas Michealides, PhD, Chief of Psychology at Noom joins on episode 41 of the Practically Healthy podcast to share how Noom is revolutionizing the weight loss industry by merging psychology with technology.
Dr. Michaelides sets the stage by framing Noom as a behavior change company that transcends weight loss and shares the evolutionary reason why changing our behavior is so difficult. The doctors emphasize the importance of the brain in weight loss and introduce neuroplasticity- the brain’s ability to create new connections and adapt. The idea of habits and building on small steps is highlighted, and Noom's four holistic health pillars are shared: nutrition, physical activity, stress management and sleep.
The doctors discuss the importance of goal setting, emphasizing the importance of identifying and celebrating small, interim goals and creating goals that are SMART- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Dr. Michaelides shares the multitude of ways that Noom merges psychology with tech for a personalized approach to supporting healthy behavior changes including implementing safeguards, creating task lists and providing time-appropriate coach interventions.
The doctors discuss practically healthy tips to help the listener navigate the 220+ food and beverage decisions we face each day! Learn more about Noom at noom.com and pre-order their new book, "The Noom Mindset- Learn the Science, Lose the Weight” on Amazon now.
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Dr. David Friedman
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Dr. Friedman reminds the listener that humans laugh before they speak and asserts that laughter is in all of us. The doctors discuss the incredible, science-backed benefits of laughter including: decreasing inflammation, increasing infection-fighting antibodies, helping prevent heart disease and cancer and improving cognitive function. Dr. Friedman explains that laughter decreases cortisol levels which can lead to weight loss through a decrease in stressful eating and belly fat. Dr. Friedman shares that laughter can burn calories and that 20 seconds of a good belly laugh is equivalent to 100 sit ups- incredible!
Dr. Friedman shares how he uses humor to bring humanity back to medicine and bond with his patients. His prescription for laughter- don’t let your stressors define you and “fake it till you partake it”. He shares that the brain doesn’t know the difference between a fake or real smile, so get grinning!
The doctors show their silly sides and giggle through Keto jokes, saber tooth tiger recipes and fart anecdotes. The episode closes with practical tips to help the listener bring laughter back into their life. A lighthearted, feel-good episode that will surely bring a smile to your face.
All proceeds from Dr. Friedman’s new book, “Funny Bones” go to Laughter Saves Lives Foundation, visit funnybonesbook.com for your copy. Listen to Dr. Friedman’s podcast at ToYourGoodHealthRadio.com or follow him @drdfriedman.
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Reimagine Your Health Through the Gut Microbiome: Colleen Cutcliffe, PhD
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
70% of your immune system is located in your gut- how are you supporting your microbiome for your best health? Colleen Cutcliffe, PhD, CEO and Founder of Pendulum joins on episode 39 of the Practically Healthy podcast to provide a science-based discussion on probiotics and how this rapidly emerging field is playing an important role in health and disease.
Colleen shares the research and insights that lead to Pendulum’s revolutionary probiotic, Akkermansia for mitigating metabolic syndrome. She explains that the Akkermansia muciniphila strain plays an important role in metabolism and the gut lining. The listener learns why low counts or depletion of Akkermansia is a problem, and can result in Inflammation, skin disorders, immune response and metabolism disorders. Dr. Melina reveals that she orders Akkermansia and mentions that it can reduce sugar cravings, anecdotally, for some.
Colleen and Dr. Melina discuss science-based gut health facts and tips including significant factors that influence your microbiome other than diet, and foods you should avoid for your best gut health. The role of prebiotics, in concert with probiotics is addressed and Colleen shares research that gives insight into whether you need to keep taking probiotics or can discontinue once the microbiome is recolonized.
The listener is cautioned about the lack of oversight in the supplement industry and practically healthy tips are shared to assist the listener in choosing a probiotic. Colleen offers listeners a free quiz on Pendulumlife.com to assess which Pendulum probiotic is best for their personal needs. Practically Healthy listeners receive a discount with code DRMELINA at Pendulumlife.com.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Is it Really Possible to SLOW or REVERSE Aging : Hannah Went, Co-Founder, TruDiagnostic
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Ever feel like you look or feel much younger (or older) than you actually are? You might be right! Founder and Director of Operations at TruDiagnostic joins episode 38 of the Practically Healthy podcast to chat all things epigenetics- how your behaviors and environment affect the way your genes work- and how relatively new scientific breakthroughs allow us to measure and influence factors that impact our biologic age (how old we are on a cellular level compared to how old we actually are.)
Hannah opens the podcast by providing the listener with an understanding of epigenetics and assures us that “your DNA is not your destiny”. Dr. Melina and Hannah discuss DNA methylation and how it can “turn on” or “turn off” certain genes from working. Unlike chronological age, biological age more accurately reflects classic signs of aging, from wrinkles and energy levels to diabetes and disease.
Hannah shares the backstory behind developing TruDiagnostic and explains how to use their test to measure your TruAge (biologic age) as well as your TruAge PACE (pace of aging per chronologic year). Dr. Melina and Hannah discuss the lifestyle factors that can influence your biologic age including: dietary choices, caloric restriction, exercise, and stress management, as well as practically healthy hacks for those of us who are short on time. Hannah share her number one supplement recommendation for turning back the biologic clock and also reveals Dr. Melina’s TruAge and TruAge PACE- tune in to hear the fascinating results!
An empowering and important episode for anyone looking to extend their health span and lifespan based on the latest scientific developments! To learn more about TruDiagnostics or discover your TruAge, visit TruDiagnostics.com or follow Hannah @everythingepigenetics.
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
The Fountain of Youth in a Bottle: Dr. Emily Werner, PhD, RD, CSSD
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Eating for Optimal Health: Dr. Christopher Gardner
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Nutrition Science PhD and Professor of Medicine at Stanford, Dr. Christopher Gardner joins to share his expertise as a 20+ year academic leading headline making studies investigating the potential health benefits of various dietary components and food patterns.
Dr. Gardner acknowledges the complexities of nutrition studies and urges the listener to seek “instead of” and “with what” vs “nutrition answers”.
The doctors discuss topical dietary choices including red meat vs alternative meat products- how do they compare with regard to cardiovascular risk factors, TMAO levels, blood pressure and more. Low fat vs low carb diets- which is more effective for weight loss? And keto vs Mediterranean- which is better for blood sugar control and which is better for lowering LDL cholesterol?
Dr. Gardner shares the results of the largest and longest-ever study comparing Atkins, Zone, LEARN and Ornish diets with regard to changes in cardiometabolic risk factors and weight loss- tune in to hear the fascinating findings! And though certain diets are better for certain people, genetics is likely NOT to blame for your weight loss struggles!
A rare opportunity to hear science-based nutrition guidance from one of Dr. Melina’s most respected nutrition colleagues! To learn more about Dr. Gardner, visit https://profiles.stanford.edu/christopher-gardner
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Menopause Bootcamp: Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
She reframes menopause as the “puberty of midlife” and urges listeners to focus on empowering themselves versus viewing menopause as a detriment to their worth.
The conversation shifts to hormone replacement therapy, touching on testosterone pellets and the absence of science-based data to support use. Dr. Suzanne clarifies that she is a fan of hormone supplementation, which when used properly, is shown to have many positive benefits- including reducing risk of death, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis and more!
The doctors emphasize the role of lifestyle and stress the importance of community in finding practically healthy ways to manage their symptoms. Dr. Suzanne reminds listeners to open themselves to being curious and to focus on moving their body, along with sharing several free and easy practices listeners can begin implementing today!
An informational and empowering episode from a true subject expert! To learn more about Dr. Suzanne or her new book out October 11, “Menopause Bootcamp: Optimize Your Health, Empower Your Self, and Flourish as You Age”, visit thedrsuzanne.com.