In a world of influencers posing as experts, and a time when the public’s trust in media is at an all time low, especially when it comes to nutrition and diets, Dr. Melina presents the Practically Healthy podcast. Drawing from her 20+ years experience as a nutrition MD and media contributor, along with cutting edge scientific studies and REAL facts, Dr. Melina will translate the latest health and wellness trends into what you should do, can do and will do to live your happiest, healthiest, best version of yourself. Each week, Dr. Melina will sit down with a preeminent health and fitness expert, celebrity, athlete, or wellness entrepreneur and discuss buzzworthy topics including intermittent fasting, the Ketogenic diet, mental heath, CBD products, HIIT training and more. Each episode will educate listeners and provide practical health and fitness solutions they can implement into their own busy lives. As a multi-tasking mother of two, small business owner and “reluctant cook” herself, Dr. Melina will serve up her tips and tricks with her signature wit and humor that will keep the listener engaged, entertained and coming back week after week.
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Age Gracefully: Pete McCall
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Pete McCall, master trainer, host of the All About Fitness podcast, and entrepreneur, joins Dr. Melina on this week's episode of Practically Healthy. A heavily-certified fitness professional, Pete shares his insights into how higher intensity fitness routines can combat the aging process. Melina and Pete chat about how these sorts of regimens can decrease the chance of health issues, such as diabetes and heart problems, while improving longevity and hormone levels. Many of us use lower intensity workouts as we get older but you'll hear how higher intensity routines are more effective at slowing the aging process. Listen in to hear how Pete's approach to fitness can slow aging and enhance your quality of life! To learn more about all that Pete has going on visit: petemccallfitness.com
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Soup As Medicine: Elina Fuhrman
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
This week's episode is all about the incredible ways that the right foods can act as a form of medicine that potentially can prevent or even treat health issues. Dr. Melina is joined by Elina Fuhrman, an author, chef, and wealth of knowledge on the merits of soup as a source of healing and enrichment. Elina shares how a personal struggle with breast cancer exposed her to the endless potential of soup to make us better and how it sent her on a journey of discovery. If you love soup, if you like feeling good, and you'd like to know more about how natural ingredients and old-world knowledge can produce incredible health benefits, this episode is for you! Listen in as Melina and Elina explore the power of quality ingredients and delicious soups in improving your health and nutrition. To learn more about Elina's work producing mind-blowing soups and soup recipes, her book, and the myriad ways you can incorporate her research on food as medicine into your diet, visit her here: Soupelina.com
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Proof Is In The Genes: Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Dr. Melina is joined this week by Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy, a professor and associate chair of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto and founder of Nutrigenomix, a multinational company with over 10,000 practitioners in 40 countries. Dr. El-Sohemy's studies have identified how unique genetic makeups can predispose us to experiencing positive or negative outcomes in different settings. His work focuses on the interface between nutrition and our genetic makeup, using ground-breaking genetic testing to add precision to health optimization and disease prevention. Melina and Ahmed discuss his business, his impressive medical career, and the complex yet promising fields of modern medicine attempting to treat each patient in more informed ways. To learn more about Dr. El-Sohemy and how Nutrigenomix can use genetic testing and personalized nutrition to improve your life, visit: Nutrigenomix.com
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Fasting Fast-track To Better Health: Dr. Amy Shah
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
On episode eleven of Practically Healthy, Dr. Melina is joined by Dr. Amy Shah. Dr. Shah is a double board-certified medical doctor and wellness expert specializing in allergy and immunology, hormones, and gut health who is also the author of "I'm So Effing Tired", one of Fortune's "Five Best Business Books of 2021". Dr. Shah and Dr. Melina discuss the various dynamics that can affect the efficacy of certain fasting regimens in relation to health, weight loss, and disease mitigation. We hear how fasting can be used as a tool even in the treatment of certain cancers! Dr. Shah offers fascinating tips and insights into the wrap-around health benefits of different forms of fasting, especially when combined with exercise, in addition to the medical and nutritional benefits of using certain spices in food preparation. Learn more about Dr. Shah's practice and her published work here: AmyMDwellness.com
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Head In The Game: Randy Jackson
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
On a very special episode of Practically Healthy, Dr. Melina is joined by Grammy award-winner, Randy Jackson! A host of American Idol who has worked as a musician, singer, record producer, entrepreneur, and advocate for healthy habits, Randy and Melina explore the practical steps that one can take to help keep our head in the game when it comes to weight-management. Randy gets vulnerable for the Practically Healthy audience, sharing intimate details of his struggles with healthy eating, type-two diabetes, fad-diets, and gastric bypass surgery. He reflects on the lessons learned from the process he endured as he stabilized his health and subsequently crafted a routine for sustaining that health. A very real and honest perspective on how truly difficult it can be to change our habits around food and on the complacency that can overcome any of us as we try to get healthier while managing life's daily challenges. Randy has so much going on, whether it be his work in the production industry, his entrepreneurial enterprises spanning a variety of products and industries, his health advocacy, or his work with Dr. Melina. Learn more about Randy, his story, and how you can get into the endless stream of quality projects he continues to put out here: randyjacksonofficial.com AND, learn about Dr. Melina and Randy's initiative here - Unify Health Labs.
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Guide to a Better You: Dr. Andrew Ordon
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
On episode nine of Practically Healthy, Dr. Melina is joined by Dr. Andrew Ordon, a board-certified plastic surgeon, professor of plastic surgery at USC, and Emmy-nominated host of the Emmy award-winning show, The Doctors! Melina and Andrew discuss their duty, as two of the most visible medical professionals of their day, to represent the voice of science and fact in the chaotic and often misguided public discourse about dieting, weight loss, and nutrition. Dr. Ordon identifies specific lifestyle and dietary choices we make that can sabotage our cosmetic goals and the outcome of elective surgery. He and Dr. Melina continue the Practically Healthy motif of supplying simple, achievable, and incredibly effective steps you can take each day to improve your physical health, mental health, and general well being. Learn more about Dr. Ordon's incredible career, including his well-respected current medical practice, his book, "Better in 7 : The Ultimate Seven-Day Guide to a Better You!", The Doctors, and much more here: drordon.com !
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
How To Live Boldly: Jennifer Cohen
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
On episode eight of Practically Healthy, Dr. Melina sits down with Jennifer Cohen, a best-selling author, brand strategist, international speaker, and educator who has found widespread acclaim by empowering others to develop healthy habits that drive positive behavioral change. Melina unpacks Jen's unique and effective approach to cultivating success - an approach that can be applied in your own life to dominate everything from the more common challenges to the most daunting. Jen shares some simple and practical tips that will teach you how to live boldly and build better habits, a foundation for achieving your goals, living well, loving the person you see in the mirror. Another honest and real discussion on Practically Healthy, chock full of useful information from two women who have made it their mission to spread knowledge about living healthier and being your best self. To learn more about Jen and her many projects, including her podcast, "Habits and Hustle", her new, upcoming book, speaking engagements and much more, check out her website here: jennifercohen.com
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Food, Friends, Curiosity: Mireille Guiliano
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Dr. Melina is joined on episode seven of Practically Healthy by Mireille Guiliano, the former CEO of Veuve Clicquot's American subsidiary, co-founder of the Guiliano Global Fellowship Program, and best-selling author of "French Women Don't Get Fat". Mireille shares her uniquely French approach to life and how the myriad decisions we make each day about food, friendship, activity, and appreciation can either enrich our lives or simply be missed opportunities to add depth. Quality, moderation, and intention are concepts that define this fascinating conversation, as well as some surprising facts about the food and ingredients we use and consume regularly. A discussion that explores incredibly meaningful ideas and concepts in a casual way, you've got to listen-in to get the full dose of wisdom encapsulated in this one episode. To learn more about the incredibly eclectic and interesting work and life of Mireille Guiliano, visit her website: FrenchWomenDontGetFat.com
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Is Food Addiction Real: Dr. Nicole Avena
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Episode six of Practically Healthy with Dr. Melina features Dr. Nicole Avena! Dr. Avena is an author and an internationally respected scientist, speaker, and consultant on the subject of nutrition, diet, and food addiction. Melina and Nicole break down the mechanics of impulsivity and food addiction, exposing just how common this problem is. Their discussion offers proof that addiction is not a moral failing and explains how the deck is stacked against us today thanks to the ease of access to unhealthy, processed foods and aggressive marketing campaigns. The two doctors explore the misconceptions and science behind why certain diets fail and how the likelihood of success with a diet is not simply associated with lifestyle choices, but also with certain psychological factors and other unexpected details worth considering, whether you struggle with diet or not. Dr. Nicole also shares some uncomplicated and attainable strategies to help us find more success when trying to accomplish our dietary goals and to generally just feel better! Learn more about Dr. Nicole Avena's impactful work and her fascinating books by checking out her website: Dr.NicoleAvena.com
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
The Happiness Project: Gretchen Rubin
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Dr. Melina is joined on episode five of Practically Healthy by New York Times best-selling author, Gretchen Rubin! Now having published more than five books, Gretchen originally came to publishing after leaving a successful law career that included time spent clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Lucky for us, she chose to pursue her happiness and made the leap into the writing world! One of her most successful books, "The Happiness Project", was a #1 New York Times best-seller and is still helping people understand and find happiness in their own lives. Listen in as Gretchen and Dr. Melina break open the secrets to developing healthy habits and maintaining real, lasting happiness. Learn more about Gretchen and all her accessible and insightful work on her website, gretchenrubin.com
The Practically Healthy by Dr. Melina podcast is sponsored by Ahara- Precision nutrition for optimal health. Join today at ahara.com and receive $25 off new memberships with code PHPodcast. Offer good for new customers only.